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Biblical Reasons to Vote Trump 2024


Proverbs 1:7 (NLT)

Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.


Regardless of your beliefs about the effects of voter fraud in the 2020 election, what the data shows is the religious vote is vitally important. Had religious voters not turned out or had they turned their vote toward a different candidate, the results of the 2020 election would have been profoundly different. Pew Research Center reports that “Without such broad support for Trump among white evangelicals, Biden would have beaten him by more than 20 points” and “White non-evangelical Protestants voted for Trump over Biden by a 14-point margin (57% - 43%), while black Protestants were an overwhelmingly Democratic group (91% voted for Biden).” [i] How we Christians voted made a difference in the 2020 election, and our vote is therefore crucial in the 2024 election.

Recently, some Christian leaders and celebrities, critics of Christianity, social media influencers, and others have voiced emotional objections to Christian support for Donald Trump. They argue that Trump’s brash public persona, legal problems, and dramatic personal life make him an unfit candidate and unworthy of Christian support. Some of these critics openly scold Christians for supporting Trump, calling his supporters hypocrites. How can Christians seriously support such a person in good conscience, they ask?

Based on this chatter, some influential Christian leaders are calling for believers to abandon supporting Trump or suggest it would be better for Christians not to vote at all. But if Christians (Protestant, Catholic, Evangelical, and others) choose not to vote, based on the research Pew Research Center conducted concerning the 2020 election, it is guaranteed that Kamala Harris will be the next President. Is a Harris victory in November better for the Christian conscience than voting for Donald Trump?

Realistically, only two candidates can win the 2024 election – Kamala Harris or Donald Trump. What is a Christian to do? Is not voting a Biblically sound solution? How can Christians overcome these emotional challenges when considering a vote for Mr. Trump? Should pastors or other church leaders even respond to objections about Trump support? Are we even allowed to respond to these questions? Is it true that pastors have no business openly endorsing a candidate in the first place?

That last thought is one of the reasons I wrote the book Biblical Reasons to Vote Trump 2024.

The purpose of the book is not to examine every issue that may concern voters. You won’t find lengthy comments about energy policy or the economy here. My purpose is to show a Biblical response to the emotional, knee-jerk rejection of Mr. Trump that some Christians advocate. Such a refusal does not consider any alternative and may be legalistic judgmentalism rather than Biblical reasoning. I answer the emotional arguments against Mr. Trump that have led some Christian leaders to scold Christian Trump supporters rather than consider the bigger picture.

I begin with the Biblical argument that God requires Christians to vote in the first place! I then show the Biblical considerations Christians should make when evaluating the candidates. I respond to the accusations that Mr. Trump should be dismissed as a candidate because of his legal problems and perceived character flaws. Finally, I consider just a few of the public policy issues that bear directly on which candidate is closer to a Biblical worldview – specifically abortion (because that issue speaks to human rights as a whole), identity (woke) ideology (because that issue shows a candidate’s value of truth), and freedom.

This little book does not cover border security, energy independence, taxes, military spending, gun rights, crime, election integrity, or other issues. These are all important, and any voter should be able to find where the candidate stands on those issues by checking the official website of either candidate. My purpose is to sweep away the emotional curtains that some Christian leaders have thrown up against Trump that may dissuade some believers from considering Trump at all. That unthinking, judgmental attitude is unfair to Trump, the voters, America, and the Lord. After all, we are called to be discerning – not judgmental.


John 7:24 (NASB)

Do not judge by the outward appearance, but judge with righteous judgment.

If you are interested, you can find the print and kindle versions of the book here:

If the book is at all helpful - please share the link on your social media platforms. Sharing is the best way to help.

[i] Ruth Igielnik, Scott Keeter and Hannah Hartig. Behind Biden’s 202 Victory: An examination of the 2020 electorate, based on validated voters. June 30, 2021: Pew Research Center.

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Thank you so much for this. It is truly insightful! I bought the Biblical reasons to vote for Trump in 2024 today and I am excited to read it, although other reasons you have offered before have helped me decide. I must say I did struggled often in the past months whether I should abstain this year especially due to some changes of Trump's position on abortion but his record regarding Israel always brought things into balance among other things. After all, his record on Israel speaks for itself; the recognition of Jerusalem; relocation of the embassy; the Abraham accords; withdrawal from the Iranian nuclear deal; recognition of Israel sovereignty over the Golan; the enactment of the Taylor Force act;…

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